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Staying Safe

We are ready to welcome you on board Vernicos Yachts to travel to our beautiful islands!

Your safety and the safety of our staff is our top priority. We strictly follow the guidelines issued by the Greek authorities and we have adapted our operation to ensure a safe environment during your stay.

Furthermore, we are closely monitoring any developments and remain focused on the safety and health of our guests.

Here below you will find the special measures we have taken for your protection:

Our boats are thoroughly cleaned and ventilated between bookings
The linens offered have been washed in professional washers / dryers
All boats offer antiseptics & masks
All crew members have a negative Covid Rapid / Self test (24 hours) or a Vaccination certificate (at least 14 days)
All crew members wear masks throughout the charter
Our passengers show a negative Covid PCR or Rapid / Self test or Vaccination certificate (at least 14 days)
They Complete a pre -boarding Health Declaration
They measure their temperature and declare it daily on the boats Health tracker form
We take all necessary and possible protection measures so please assist us in our effort to keep our boats a safe haven for our customers and staff.

Welcome to Vernicos Yachts, we wish you a wonderful vacation!